999 Club 

A collaboration with a homeless charity

999 Club is an association that offers services to homeless people within Deptford. We set out to promote/ raise awareness of their charity through spacial design. 

This is the frame structure of our campaign which incorporates the name, address and distance it is situated from the 999 Club building.
It also provides the different empowering story’s from homeless
individuals who revived help from the charity.
Each campaign is carefully positioned within a 5-meter radius of the shelter and can be seen from all angles to catch the attention of our target audience.    

The map displays the locations where we positioned our campaigns around Deptford.

The publication presents the process of how we created our campaign from start to finish. The book incorporated the original tape, vinyl and typography used within our campaign.

11500 x 600mm
Vinyl typography
Industrial waterproof blue tape 

Map model
300 x 300mm 
Vinyl tape
Plywood cut from steel woodcutter

125x 100 mm
Riso- graph printed
Vinyl type
Industrial blue tape 

Bruce Duckworth award 2nd place .“This has a strong simple idea at its core and has clarity and restraint in its execution.”